Adam longs for an adventure and he finds one when he acquires a new red helium balloon.
Adam’s Toy
Author: Iman Hamdy
Illustrator: Husam Hasan
The original work of this book was made possible through
the generous support of the All Children Reading: A Grand
Challenge for Development (ACR GCD) Partners (the United
States Agency for International Development (USAID), World
Vision, and the Australian Government). It was prepared by
Asafeer Education Technologies FZ LLC and does not
necessarily reflect the views of the ACR GCD Partners. Any
adaptation or translation of this work should not be
considered an official ACR GCD translation and ACR GCD
shall not be liable for any content or error in this translation.

Fortunately, today’s sharing time was about adventures.
Everyone talked about their adventures except Adam.
Unfortunately, Adam’s life lacked
adventure, so he didn’t say a word.
Fortunately, class ended and Adam went back home.
Unfortunately, Adam felt sad as he sat alone. He wished he
had an adventurous life like his friends.
Fortunately, Adam had a big imagination, so he pretended to
go on lots of adventures.
Unfortunately, Adam was tired of imaginary
adventures and so he took out all the money in his piggy bank and off he went to the toy store.
Fortunately, Adam found a new toy that he liked and he also
found some bright helium balloons. He asked the storekeeper to tie the
balloons to the toy.
Unfortunately, Adam tripped as he left the toy store and fell
down. The helium balloons flew away with the toy.
Fortunately, one of his friends was riding by on his
bicycle so Adam borrowed it and followed his toy as fast as he could go.
Unfortunately, one of the tires on the bicycle went flat.
Fortunately, Adam’s grandpa was driving by in his old car. Adam pointed up at his toy and jumped in the car as
Grandpa followed the toy.
Unfortunately, Grandpa’s car ran out of gas and Adam was
sad again.
Fortunately, a bus was going by and Adam jumped on
without a second thought.
Unfortunately, the driver asked Adam for the fare. Adam
didn’t have any money as he had spent it all in the toy store. So the driver asked him to get off the bus.
Fortunately, Adam heard the “chuga chuga choo!” of a train,
so he ran after it and jumped into the last car.
Unfortunately, the train suddenly stopped because of a
problem with the brakes.
Fortunately, Adam looked around and saw a fisherman on a
sailboat. After Adam explained the situation, he finally
agreed to help Adam get his toy back.
Unfortunately, a terrible wind blew away the sails of the boat
and Adam had to put on a life jacket and jump into the sea.
Fortunately, a ship showed up. Adam waved to the ship and
it rescued him.
Unfortunately, the ship sailed in the opposite direction and
he could not follow his toy.
Fortunately, he saw a hot air balloon on the deck so he snuck
into it and filled it with hot air. Then he flew into the sky. Adam saw his toy and reached out to grab it.
Fortunately, he saw a hot air balloon on the deck so he snuck
into it and filled it with hot air. Then he flew into the sky. Adam saw his toy and reached out to grab it.
Unfortunately, a plane passed by and caught the balloon
strings and flew up and away.
Unfortunately, he went back home without a new toy but…
Fortunately, Adam did come back with a wonderful
adventure. At the next sharing time, his friends asked him
about his adventures and what he learned from them.
It was then that he answered, “I’ll never tie helium balloons
to a toy again!”